Creating Workflow Templates

Creating Workflow Templates

Before You Begin

Before attempting to create Workflow Templates for your firm, be sure to have a solid understanding of the following:

Planning and Implementing

The process of creating an effective Workflow Template begins long before any data is entered into your CRM. To sucessfully implement a Workflow Template in your firm, work through the steps below.

Determine the Process(es)

It may sound simplistic, but start by identifying the process or processes you want to capture and follow through Workflow Templates. Once you know what you’re aiming for, continue the steps below for each process.

Identify and Interview Your Stakeholders

Especially with a large process that may involve many departments, no one person has the complete perspective of the entire project. Figure out who is involved at each stage of the process and speak with those people about their needs.

Get it on Paper

Once you’ve got all the details you need for your process, it’s time to organize it. Figure out what each discrete step of the process is in detail. What is accomplished? Who is responsible? What is the timetable? Try to keep steps to one person, one objective and not put too much in any one step. Then organize the steps. Which have to wait for previous steps? Which can happen simultaneously? Put them on scrap paper or sticky notes and organize each of these visually so you can see the whole Workflow.

Put it in the CRM

Once you’ve completed the above steps, you’ve already built your Workflow Template. Now you just need to enter it into AE CRM. Follow the steps below this section to enter the Workflow Template into the system.

Test and Refine

You’re not done, yet, though. Once the Workflow Template is entered in, it’s time to see if it works. Test it out, follow the process, and make note of what works and what might not. Refine what needs to be made better. Repeat this process of testing and refinement until everyone is satisfied that it will suit your needs.

Get Everyone On Board and Launch

When you’re sure the Workflow Template is ready for prime time, communicate clearly with all parties who will use the Workflow. Explain each persons’ responsibilites and how the Workflow will be used and function in the firm. Once everyone knows their responsibilities, you’re ready to start using the Workflow!

Creating a Workflow Template

Now that you’re ready to create your process in AE CRM, follow these steps to begin drafting your Workflow Template.

Tip: You can click Save Template at any time to save your changes to that point. You will be kept on the same page to continue working with your progress safe.
  1. Navigate to Workflow > Workflow Setup.
  2. Click Add New Template.
  3. Enter in the Workflow information in the upper section.
    • Workflow Category: Control which sub-menu the Workflow Template will appear in the Add Action menu. Workflow Categories can be edited in List Maintenance.
    • Workflow Name: How the Workflow Template will be listed in the Add Action menu, Workflow Setup, and the Workflow Monitor.
    • Workflow Description/Trigger: An internal use field that only appears here. It is a place for you to document the purpose of the Workflow Template and under what conditions it should be used.
    • Status: The Status setting affects the visibility of the Workflow Template. Only Workflows marked as Active will be available in the Add Action menu. Use Being Edited for Workflow Templates you are still drafting. Use Decomissioned for Workflow Templates that are no longer in use.
    • Owner: Designate a CRM User who is responsible for maintaining the Workflow Template.
    • Last Review: An internal field to document the last time this Workflow Template was reviewed for accuracy. When creating a Workflow Template, enter the current date.
    • First Step completes automatically on add: Completes the first Action as soon as the Workflow Template is used, prompting the user to add the immediate child Action(s). See Workflow Templates with Multiple First Steps for more information.
  4. Click the Add Existing drop-down to either add an existing Workflow Template to work from, or select Blank Action to start from scratch with the first Action step. From this point, you can create the Workflow Template just like you would any live Workflow.
    • Pre-fill any information you like in each step.
    • Add as many Action steps as you need (Note you can only add a child step to Actions that have Action Required).
    • Reorder the steps using the Summary as needed.
  5. When complete, click Save Template to save your work.

Attention! If you are creating a Template that you intend to use in any automatically repeating service such as an Integration Alert, Service Monitor, or a Recurring Action, you must ensure that the Assigned to field for every Action step is populated with a User or Employee Position (e.g., Advisor 1). Do not use Employee Creating Action or it will not be properly assigned (since the “Employee” creating the Action will be an automated service)!
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